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Tata Tiscon completes 20 years in India as a leader in TMT Rebar

Mumbai: Tata Tiscon, India’s best-known rebar brand from the house of Tata Steel, completed two decades in 2020. Launched in December 2000, Tata Tiscon has grown to become the largest B2C brand in Tata Steel’s portfolio with market share of 14% and revenue of ~INR 7000 crore.

Sanjay S. Sahni, Chief of Marketing & Sales, Branded Products & Retail, Tata Steel, said: “We are delighted that Tata Tiscon has completed its 20 glorious years in India. Tata Tiscon, in the past two decades, has revolutionized the category through its various initiatives such as enabling the rebars to feature in the B2C portfolio, giving the power of choice to the end-users, and is also the first rebar brand to go online. We have consciously invested in educating the customers about the category so they can make informed decisions while buying a home or building infrastructure. We are proud to be a part of this successful journey and will continue to strive for customer satisfaction and superior products.”
Tata Tiscon Rebars are made of steel, in turn made from virgin iron ore. Hence these are free from impurities. Further, during manufacturing the steel is purified using best of intermediary processes. Lower impurity content gives it uniform properties across the length. The brand has launched multiple campaigns over the years to educate and target the evolving needs of the customer. In 2005-06, the “Atoot Jod” campaign followed with the “Joy of Building” and “SD Man” campaign launched in 2012 and 2017 respectively were the most successful campaigns from the brand.
Since its inception, Tata Tiscon has been a pioneer in many product and service innovations. It reshaped the category by being the first rebar brand to be sold on e-commerce platforms in 2015. With its customer-first approach, innovative products, and continuous nurturing of its distribution channel, Tata Tiscon has emerged as a market leader. It is the first rebar brand to introduce customer service engineer service and digital platform, Sampoorna, for channel partners.
Over the last 20 years, Tata Tiscon focused on building credibility and highlighted the importance of pure steel for home building. With its wide range of rebars, it has ensured that all the customer segments are catered to in an effective way. With a well-established network of more than 6500 dealers, Tata Tiscon sells across the length and breadth of the country and enjoys a prominent market share.
Tata Tiscon has introduced several breakthrough innovations in retail ecosystem like selling by piece, transparency in pricing through RCP (Recommended Consumer Price) and innovative Products like Super links (machine made stirrups) which enhanced quality of construction & changed the landscape of Individual Home Builders (IHB) construction. The brand is also credited with many firsts – being the first brand to offer life insurance cover for the under-insured community or creating a loyalty programme ‘Atoot Rishtey’ for the dealers and MITR programme for the masons. The brand drives the message of sustainability through its Go Green initiative.

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